Cologne Trend Report

Understand How Masculine Perfumes Influence Everything from Fashion to Art

The men's cologne market is one worth tracking, especially if you're a professional involved in fashion, cosmetics or lifestyle. From eccentric advertisements to products that utilize eco-friendly, fair-trade ingredients, the Cologne Trend Report is filled with enough relevant information to better interpret this ever-changing market.

In the last year, we've noticed an abundance of colognes that are moving away from using synthetic ingredients. Instead, cologne brands, both large and small, are using extracts from plants, flowers and other organic materials to tap into the "green lifestyle" market. With the Cologne Trend Report, users can use our 26 PRO Trends and 230 samples of cologne research to leverage inspiration when it comes to product development, packaging, branding strategies, advertising and viral marketing.
Trend Themes
1. Moving Away From Synthetic Ingredients - Opportunity for cologne brands to explore plant-based extracts as a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to synthetic ingredients.
2. Green Lifestyle Market - Potential for brands to tap into the growing market demand for eco-friendly and sustainable cologne products.
3. Leveraging Inspiration for Product Development - Utilize the Cologne Trend Report's PRO Trends and cologne research samples to gain insights for innovative product development strategies.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion industry professionals can explore the influence of masculine perfumes and colognes on fashion trends to create cohesive brand experiences.
2. Cosmetics - Cosmetics industry can leverage the shift towards organic and plant-based colognes to develop sustainable and natural fragrance products.
3. Lifestyle - Lifestyle brands can capitalize on the green lifestyle market and incorporate eco-friendly colognes into their offerings to attract environmentally conscious consumers.

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