Coin-Covered Cars

Vauxhall Vehicle Has $4,000 Worth of Coins On It for PR Stunt

Vauxhall has recently undertaken an ingenious PR idea in the middle of the busy streets of London. Completely covering a car in coins, Vauxhall let people pick off the money off the vehicle.

Covered in $4,000 worth of coins, the public stunt was to let people save money of a new Astra. Money put aside, I think I really like the polka dot design that this car has!

Check out the gallery and video to see the full scope of this clever PR stunt.
Trend Themes
1. Coin-covered Cars - Incorporate unusual materials and designs to attract attention and generate buzz for products and PR campaigns.
2. Interactive Experiential Marketing - Create immersive brand experiences that allow customers to engage with products in memorable and unconventional ways.
3. Alternative Payment Methods - Explore unique ways for customers to pay for products and services, such as using physical currency as a form of advertising.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - Incorporate unique and eye-catching designs to generate interest in new vehicle models and increase brand awareness.
2. Marketing Industry - Develop creative and innovative experiential marketing campaigns to generate buzz and increase brand exposure for products and services.
3. Financial Industry - Explore alternative payment methods and use physical currency as a form of advertisement to attract new customers and generate interest in products and services.

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