Multiple Storage Debit Cards

The Coin Card Stores All Your Cards in One Place

The coin card is the perfect solution for those who find themselves encumbered with too many cards.

The coin card will cost $100 and allow you to store up to eight cards, the mobile app however, will be able to hold an infinite amount of cards. To add a card all you do is take a picture of your card and then swipe it via a small device—they provide—that connects to your phone. The coin card uses Bluetooth that allows the card to send a message to your phone saying you've forgotten it and, if your coin card can't detect your phone after a certain amount of time, it will deactivate itself.

With all the different cards we carry -- debit cards, credit cards, gift cards, membership cards and loyalty cards -- it's easy to see why someone felt the need for something like the coin card to exist.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Wallet Solutions - The trend of mobile wallet solutions like the coin card is disrupting traditional payment methods by consolidating multiple cards into one digital platform.
2. Convenience and Portability - The trend of creating compact, portable devices like the coin card addresses the need for convenience and consolidating everyday items.
3. Bluetooth Connectivity - The trend of using Bluetooth technology in devices like the coin card opens up opportunities for seamless integration and communication between devices.
Industry Implications
1. Financial Technology - The financial technology industry can explore the disruptive potential of mobile wallet solutions and enhanced payment methods through compact devices like the coin card.
2. Retail - The retail industry can benefit from embracing mobile wallet solutions and offering convenient and secure payment options like the coin card to enhance the customer experience.
3. Technology Accessories - The technology accessories industry has the opportunity to develop and market compact, Bluetooth-enabled devices like the coin card to cater to the growing demand for convenience and connectivity.

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