Socially Conscious Coffee Lines

The National Geographic 'Coffees of the World' are 100% Organic

The National Geographic 'Coffees of the World' is a new line of coffee blends that have been created in collaboration with the namesake brand and the roaster White Coffee. The new coffee lineup is made using only 100% organic varieties of beans that come in four blend varieties including Rain Forest, Sumatra, African and Peruvian. The coffees are set to be available in 10 ounce bags as well as the K-Cup-compatible BioCup that has been created by White Coffee.

Consumers have become acutely aware of how the items they purchase can affect the lives of those domestically and around the world, which is seeing many opt for Fair Trade and organic alternatives. The National Geographic 'Coffees of the World' lineup is an example of how brands are creating options using familiar brand names to convey worth and authenticity to the average consumer.
Trend Themes
1. Organic Coffee Blends - Opportunity for coffee companies to create organic coffee blends in collaboration with brands to appeal to socially conscious consumers.
2. Fair Trade Coffee - Opportunity for coffee companies to offer fair-trade coffee blends, tapping into the consumer trend of considering the impact of their purchases on others.
3. Sustainability in Coffee Industry - Opportunity for companies in the coffee industry to adopt sustainable practices and promote eco-friendly packaging as consumers become more environmentally conscious.
Industry Implications
1. Coffee Industry - The coffee industry can create sustainable and ethical coffee blends and packaging to meet the rising demand from socially conscious consumers.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - The food and beverage industry could adopt organic, fair-trade and sustainable practices to align with consumer ethics and build brand credibility.
3. Retail Industry - Retail brands can offer eco-friendly and ethically sourced products such as coffee, claiming their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

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