Charming Cityscape Accessories

Etsy’s Mini City Skyline Necklace is Created by Petit Plat Shop

This city skyline necklace from Etsy’s Petit Plat shop is a celebration of elegant design. The charming accessory piece is adorned with a blue and mint clay cityscape that is built from polymer clay materials.

Sold as part of the shop’s Skyline collection, the pendant measures 1"7/8 and hangs on a 20" brass metal chain. The miniature city skyline is displayed in a subtle gradient of hues that transition from mint to blue.

Inspired by her love of architecture, Petit Plat owner Stephanie Kilgast created this city skyline necklace. Her piece is a perfect gift for fashion, design and architecture enthusiasts alike and is an understated and elegant accessory that still manages to make a bold statement.
Trend Themes
1. Miniature City Skyline Jewelry - Opportunity for jewelry makers to create unique, personalized pieces with city skylines as a theme.
2. Polymer Clay Accessories - Disruptive opportunity for polymer clay makers to offer unique, customized accessories for fashion and design enthusiasts.
3. Architecture-inspired Jewelry - Opportunity for jewelry designers to create unique pieces inspired by iconic architecture from around the world.
Industry Implications
1. Handmade Jewelry - Opportunity for artisans and small businesses to create handmade jewelry using unique materials and design techniques.
2. Fashion Accessories - Disruptive opportunity for accessory makers to create unique, stylish accessories that reflect individual city skylines.
3. Design - Opportunity for designers to create accessories that combine function, style, and artistic design influenced by architecture.

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