Fictional Cultural Capitals

Splendour is a Fictional City Master Plan to Improve China's Image

Many European cities were populated and developed long before the idea of a city master plan existed, and that's readily apparent in the modern day. Certainly those unplanned cities have a charm to them, but their everyday inhabitants also have to deal with the issues of poorly laid out streets, insufficient infrastructure, and more. City master plans are standard practice today, and architecture graduate Freja Bao has taken the concept a step further by designing a city not just for the physical, but for the cultural as well.

'Splendour' is a fictional master plan for a city in the South China Sea. It is designed to represent the best of Chinese culture, and Bao sees it as a pilgrimage location for Chinese-speaking people from all around the world. The project aims to effectively rebrand China, moving it away from the political bully image and toward a more accurate representation.
Trend Themes
1. Cultural Master Planning - Creating city master plans not just for physical, but cultural development as well can be an innovative way to rebrand a nation or region.
2. Destination Branding - Designing a city to represent a nation's or region's best cultural assets can create a unique destination and boost tourism.
3. Reimagining National Image - Developing innovative plans to redefine a nation's image through city design can drive social, cultural, and economic change.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture & Design - Architects and designers can rethink traditional approaches to city master planning to integrate and showcase cultural elements in a new way.
2. Tourism & Hospitality - The creation of unique and culturally rich destinations can increase tourism revenue and drive local economic growth.
3. Nation Branding & Marketing - Reimagining a nation's image through innovative master plans can create new opportunities for social, economic, and cultural progress.

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