Surreal Wood Women Portraits

Cil Laurens Etches Ladies with Fantastical Floral Hairdos

These Cil Laurens renderings are evocative of the artwork of Brandon Boyd in that they both feature beautiful women with lush floral designs in place of their hair. The difference in the two, however, lies in the fact that Laurens’ preferred canvas of choice is pieces of wood. The resulting images thus have a traditional feel to them despite having very contemporary-looking illustrations.

Cil Laurens’ work is highly meticulous, as demonstrated by the intricate patterns she adorns her female subjects with. In addition to greenery, she also incorporates a lot of wildlife into her illustrations, making her work highly organic in feel. It’s as though viewers are reconnecting with nature when they gaze upon the work of this Amsterdam-based artist.
Trend Themes
1. Organic Illustrations - Artists can incorporate organic elements into their illustrations to give them a traditional and contemporary feel.
2. Meticulous Renderings - Artists can create intricate and detailed illustrations to capture the viewer's attention and evoke emotions.
3. Natural Imagery - Artists can use wildlife and greenery in their artwork to reconnect viewers with nature.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Arts - Art schools or galleries that promote the use of organic elements in art and demonstrate the process of creating detailed illustrations.
2. Interior Design - Interior designers can incorporate artwork with natural imagery into their designs to create a connection with nature in a living or working space.
3. Fashion - Fashion designers can use organic and natural elements as inspiration for their designs, incorporating floral and wildlife prints into clothing and accessories.

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