GHG-Reducing Hotels

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Choice Hotels is Committed to Reducing its Eco Footprint through Various Means

Choice Hotels International has made significant strides in its sustainability efforts, as detailed in its 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. The company has implemented a variety of initiatives aimed at reducing its environmental impact. One of the key programs is the revamped "Room to be Green" verification program, which includes new and expanded requirements to help reduce utility usage and identify savings. Over 2,600 properties have adopted an automated utility tracking dashboard to monitor and manage their energy consumption more effectively. Additionally, Choice Hotels has committed to setting science-based targets for reducing its carbon footprint through a formal agreement with the Science Based Targets initiative.

Another notable effort is the incorporation of sustainability into property improvement plans. Thirty-five hotels were selected for a pilot program to undergo sustainability audits conducted by third-party experts. These audits provided recommendations for enhancing building envelopes, reusing rainwater, implementing water mitigation solutions, and installing energy-saving smart thermostats and high-efficiency electric heat pump water heaters. Furthermore, Choice Hotels has signed agreements to offer electric vehicle (EV) charging options across its hotel system, addressing the growing consumer demand for EV charging infrastructure. These initiatives reflect Choice Hotels’ commitment to sustainability and its efforts to promote environmentally responsible practices within the hospitality industry.
Trend Themes
1. Automated Utility Tracking Systems - The integration of automated utility tracking dashboards allows hotels to monitor and manage energy usage more effectively, paving the way for smarter energy consumption.
2. Sustainability Audits for Hotels - The use of third-party sustainability audits in hotels enables precise identification and implementation of eco-friendly improvements, emphasizing efficiency and conservation.
3. EV Charging Infrastructure Expansion - Expanding EV charging infrastructure within hotel properties addresses rising consumer demand for sustainable transport options, encouraging greener travel choices.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry is increasingly adopting advanced sustainability practices to meet consumer demand for eco-conscious lodging options.
2. Energy Management - Improved energy management systems within hotels highlight a growing market for technologies that promote efficient resource use and sustainability.
3. Electric Vehicle Services - The expansion of electric vehicle charging stations within the hospitality sector showcases a significant opportunity within the evolving EV services market.

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