Torrent Software Entertainment

'Children of the Machine' is BitTorent's First Original Series

BitTorrent might be known as a software company, but it's venturing into the entertainment industry with its first original series, appropriately titled 'Children of the Machine.' Beginning to film this spring with the goal of airing later this year, the show is set to be the first of many. BitTorrent is aiming to create two original series a year, which will directly compete with other companies such as Netflix and Amazon.

Focusing on a younger demographic, 14 to 25 year olds, 'Children of the Machine' and other BitTorrent original series is relying on its massive user base to make it a viable competition for other online networks. BitTorrent CEO Eric Klinker. "Expanding into the world of original content is a move that makes us a serious player in the media business, and takes us another step closer toward our goal: creating a sustainable digital future for creators of all kinds."
Trend Themes
1. Original Content Creation - BitTorrent's foray into original series production demonstrates the trend of software companies venturing into the entertainment industry.
2. Competition with Online Networks - BitTorrent's goal of creating two original series a year puts it in direct competition with established online networks like Netflix and Amazon.
3. Targeting a Younger Demographic - BitTorrent's focus on creating content for 14 to 25 year olds reflects the trend of catering to a younger audience in the entertainment industry.
Industry Implications
1. Software - BitTorrent's expansion into original content creation disrupts the traditional perception of software companies solely focusing on software development.
2. Entertainment - BitTorrent's move into original series production disrupts the landscape of the entertainment industry by introducing a new player with a massive user base.
3. Online Streaming - BitTorrent's aim to compete with established online networks like Netflix and Amazon disrupts the online streaming industry by increasing competition.

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