City Slicker Style

'Central Park West' in L'Officiel Paris May 2010 Shows off Big Apple Fashions

'Central Park West' in L'Officiel Paris May 2010 went to the Big Apple for fashion inspiration. The Beau Grealy shoot features busy city girl styles with lots of layering.

The messy bun hairstyles and simple cool outfits definitely exemplify effortless urban fashion. A refreshing breather from the busy patterns of spring and summer, 'Central Park West' in L'Officiel Paris May 2010 will almost have you wishing for the cooler weather.

Implications - New York City has long been regarded as one of North America's most fashionable cities. Businesses who pay careful, close attention to the styles popularized within New York City will soon find inspiration for surefire product designs. Companies who do so will also ensure that they have created products that even the most image-conscious consumers will find appealing.
Trend Themes
1. Effortless Urban Fashion - The trend of messy bun hairstyles and simple cool outfits is on the rise, presenting opportunities to capitalize on effortless urban fashion in the market.
2. Busy City Girl Styles - The trend of busy city girl styles with lots of layering presents an opportunity for businesses to create products that cater to the needs of the modern woman on-the-go.
3. Cool Weather Fashion - The trend of cool weather fashion as exemplified in 'Central Park West' L'Officiel Paris May 2010 shoot presents an opportunity to shift focus to fall/winter collections in the fashion industry.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can take inspiration from the busy city girl styles and the messy bun hairstyles for their clothing lines, accessories, and hairstyles.
2. Beauty Industry - The beauty industry can create makeup and hair products that complement the effortless urban fashion trend as seen in 'Central Park West' L'Officiel Paris May 2010 shoot.
3. Retail Industry - The retail industry can capitalize on the trend of cool weather fashion by offering fall/winter collections that cater to customers' needs for stylish and practical clothes in the colder seasons.

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