Metallic MJ Tributes

Catalogue Magazine Reflects on Michael Jackson's Iconic Style

More fashion magazine homages to Michael Jackson’s enduring style keep popping up. The glittering editorial ‘MJ Tribute’ inside Catalogue Magazine’s thirteenth issue is just such an story.

Jimena Nahon pulls double duty as stylist and co-photographer with Natasha Ygel, and the shoot features Visage models Drielle and Manuel Attwell dressed in sparkly, metallic military garb inspired by the King of Pop. The models are captured posing (including one snap with a monkey), preening and doing their best to imitate iconic dance moves in the MJ tribute. Catalogue Magazine is an Argentinian fashion publication.
Trend Themes
1. MJ Fashion Tributes - The ongoing resurgence of Michael Jackson's iconic style inspires continued fashion tributes.
2. Glitter and Metallic Fashion - The metallic military garb featured in Catalogue Magazine's MJ tribute editorial exemplifies an ongoing trend towards glamorous, glittery fashion.
3. Modeling as an Homage to Iconic Figures - Drielle and Manuel Attwell's modeling in Catalogue Magazine's MJ tribute editorial is an example of how modeling can pay homage to iconic figures and their styles.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The ongoing trend of MJ fashion tributes creates opportunities for designers and fashion houses to capitalize on the iconic style of Michael Jackson.
2. Photography - Fashion editorials that focus on iconic musicians and their styles create opportunities for photographers to add unique artistic value and draw in new clients.
3. Entertainment - Modeling as a tribute to iconic musicians like Michael Jackson can create opportunities for entertainment branding and marketing.

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