Military-Inspired Luxury Cars

The CASH CAMO Bentley is the Best Way to Serve Your Country

The CASH CAMO Bentley was custom done by Russian car specialists Dartz. If you're about to purchase a $200,000 sports car, and I know that many of you are, you want to make sure it doesn't stand out too much; what better way to make it subtle than to completely cover it in camouflage decals so it can blend in to those, um, condos?

The CASH CAMO Bentley is completely wrapped in Kevlar vinyl and features a big graphic of a 500 Euro note. The car even comes with a bottle of vintage luxury vodka so you can drink away the stress of buying a quarter million dollar camouflage car.
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Cars with Unconventional Designs - Opportunity for car manufacturers to create unique customer experiences with bold design choices.
2. Customized Camouflage Vinyl Wraps - Opportunity for vinyl wrap companies to offer customized designs for luxury car owners who want to stand out.
3. Luxury Car Accessories and Add-ons - Opportunity for luxury car accessory companies to offer add-ons like the included luxury vodka with the Cash Camo Bentley.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - Industry has an opportunity to create unique head-turning designs for the affluent consumers who crave something different.
2. Vinyl Wrap Industry - Industry has an opportunity to market customization services to luxury car owners who want to personalize their vehicles.
3. Luxury Accessories Industry - Industry has an opportunity to partner with luxury car companies to offer unique accessories to affluent consumers with exclusive tastes.

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