Sheep Wool-Insulated Guest Houses

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DUB Arquiectura Created the Casa La Escocesa on a Farm

Argentinian design studio DUB Arquitecture has created the Casa La Escocesa, which is a metal-clad home that is made up of insulated blankets. Notably, these blankets are crafted from sheep wool that would be incinerated otherwise. This project is completed on a farm location in the country's subtropical Pampas area with agricultural fields that reach beyond flat plains.

The site is surrounded by sheep, polo horses, and crops. The interior is separated into four main sections: a dining room and kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a multi-purpose attic area with a breezeway at the middle of the plan. The team notes, "The central patio serves as an outdoor distribution hall and a space for meeting and contemplation of the surrounding and eternal landscape."
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Construction Materials - The use of sheep wool insulation in construction reduces waste and provides an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic materials.
2. Farm-retreat Architecture - Designing guest houses on farms enhances agritourism and provides urban dwellers with a unique rural retreat experience.
3. Sustainable Home Design - Incorporating agricultural by-products like sheep wool into home construction emphasizes sustainability and minimizes environmental impact.
Industry Implications
1. Construction - Innovative materials such as sheep wool insulation are emerging as environmentally sustainable alternatives in the construction industry.
2. Agritourism - The integration of guest houses on farms highlights the growing trend of agritourism, enhancing the rural economy.
3. Sustainable Design - Architectural practices are increasingly focusing on sustainable design by incorporating natural and eco-friendly materials.

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