Robust Monolithic Walled Homes

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H Arquitectes Completes the Casa 1736 in Barcelona

Spanish design studio H Arquitectes completes the Casa 1736 which is a home in Barcelona that is defined by a robust and monolithic wall form. It is created from tactile poured concrete and the main goal of the home's design was to create a space that has sufficient ventilation and daylight as it has a deep plot. The team created a skylight with a triple height atrium at the middle of the home gramed by concrete columns.

The studio explains, "The project begins with the challenge of qualifying the centre, prioritising it and turning it into the best place in the house. It is a wide plot that allows the possibility of recovering traditional typologies of interior patio or atrium, where the centre of the house becomes the best space in the house, the most representative and the one that indirectly qualifies the rest of the spaces that surround it."
Trend Themes
1. Monolithic Architecture - Monolithic architecture leverages robust, continuous forms to create structural integrity and unique aesthetics in residential buildings.
2. Tactile Concrete Design - Utilizing tactile poured concrete elevates both the texture and durability of modern homes, offering innovative design possibilities.
3. Interior Atrium Integration - Incorporating interior atriums with skylights transforms central living areas into vibrant, daylight-filled hubs.
Industry Implications
1. Residential Construction - The residential construction industry benefits from integrating monolithic wall forms to enhance structural strength and design resilience.
2. Architectural Design - Architectural design firms are exploring new dimensions with tactile materials like poured concrete to redefine living spaces.
3. Sustainable Building Materials - The trend towards using sustainable building materials, such as durable concrete, addresses both aesthetic and environmental concerns in construction.

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