Tablet-Transforming Add-Ons

Brydge Keyboards Turn iPads Into Touchscreen Laptops

The premium clip-on Brydge keyboard evolves your simple iPad into its sophisticated sister Macbook. Mimicing the beloved Apple sleek and chic design, the Bydge keyboard is securely attachable so that you can have the best of both worlds -- the ease of use in a touchscreeen iPad, but also the versatility and convenience of a keyboard.

Neither functionality or aesthetics have to be compromised with the Byrdge add-on solution. The quality of the material and color rivals Apple and the clasp technology is tested profusely so that you can rest easy knowing that you can tote your iPad along safely in its laptop form.

Funded as a Kickstarter Project, Brydge answers the consumer call to do more with their treasured standard Apple products.
Trend Themes
1. Ipad Keyboard Add-ons - The demand for add-on keyboards indicates an opportunity for companies to innovate with unique features and functionality.
2. Convertibles - The rise of add-on keyboards and the popularity of 2-in-1 devices creates opportunity for the production of convertible devices that bridge the gap between laptops and tablets.
3. Customizable Add-ons - The popularity of Kickstarter funded Brydge keyboards points to the opportunity for customizable and tailored add-ons for popular tech products.
Industry Implications
1. Technology Accessories - Companies specializing in technology accessories can focus on the production of add-on keyboards that provide unique experiences for users.
2. Consumer Electronics - Manufacturers in the consumer electronics industry can create convertible devices that meet the demands of consumers for both portability and productivity.
3. Crowdfunding - Crowdfunding platforms can continue to provide opportunities for entrepreneurs to create and fund niche technology add-ons that appeal to a specific audience.

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