Safety Directional Map Updates

Google’s Will Launch a Feature to Show Brightly Lit Streets on Maps

In an effort to inform its users on brightly lit streets, Google Maps will launch the 'Lighting' feature to help users avoid dark or poorly light streets to increase their safety. While the feature is still in testing, it is unclear whether this feature will be available worldwide or limited to specific industries. Moreover, it has not been announced how Google will stay up-to-date or even source if the streets are well light or not.

This is not the only safety feature Google Maps has launched in recent years. In June 2019, the tech giant launched the 'Stay Safe' in India to notified users when their driver has taken a different route than expected.
Trend Themes
1. Brightly Lit Streets - The 'Lighting' feature on Google Maps presents an opportunity for lighting companies to promote their products and services for safe and well-lit streets.
2. Safety Awareness - The 'Stay Safe' feature in Google Maps provides an opening for app developers to create safety notification apps that alert users when their driver deviates from the expected route.
3. Real-time Safety Mapping - The development of the 'Lighting' feature on Google Maps highlights the need for mapping and navigation companies to integrate real-time safety data to help users avoid poorly lit areas.
Industry Implications
1. Lighting Companies - Lighting companies can seize the opportunity to collaborate with Google Maps and provide data and services to ensure accurate information about well-lit streets on the platform.
2. App Developers - App developers can capitalize on the 'Stay Safe' feature in Google Maps by creating safety notification apps that cater to user preferences and enhance their overall travel experience.
3. Mapping and Navigation Companies - Mapping and navigation companies can explore partnerships with Google Maps to integrate real-time safety data and enhance their platforms with features like 'Lighting' to assist users in choosing safer routes.

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