Braille Campaign

McCann Erickson "Dots" Ad

Although the blind cannot see with their eyes, there are several individuals and institutions like the Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind whose eyes are metaphorically wide open.

In their desire to increase production of books in braille, the Dorina Nowill Foundation had a very innovative TV ad created by McCann Erickson, in Sao Paulo.

Entitled "Dots", the commercial starts with a dotted figure walking on a street, with all surrounding objects outlined in dots as well. It gives a very clear message that with braille, the blind can visualize the world they're living in because "they can imagine."

The social welfare ad calls for viewers to donate to the foundation to fuel their vision for the visually-impaired.

"Dots" is a finalist in the London International Awards 2007 under the television/cinema category.

Check out Trend Hunter's selection of top innovations for the blind:
Trend Themes
1. Increasing Access to Braille - Explore solutions to increase production and distribution of braille materials for the visually-impaired.
2. Innovative Technology for the Blind - Discover new technologies that can enhance the daily lives and experiences of the blind, such as smart glasses and tactile navigation systems.
3. Inclusive Advertising - Develop ad campaigns and marketing strategies that promote inclusivity and diversity, such as the 'Dots' campaign by McCann Erickson.
Industry Implications
1. Printing and Publishing - Innovate printing processes and collaborate with organizations to increase the production of braille books and materials.
2. Assistive Technology - Create and improve technology that can aid the blind in their daily lives, such as wearable devices and assistive software.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Promote diversity and inclusivity in advertising while collaborating with organizations like the Dorina Nowill Foundation to raise awareness and support for their causes.

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