Village-Luke Charming Hotels

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Concrfete Amsterdam Designs the BoTree Hotel in London

Dutch architecture studio Concrete Amsterdam designs the BoTree Hotel, which is located on the charming streets of London's Marylebone neighborhood. The hotel has 229 rooms designed to reflect a village-like influence aligned with its surroundings. All of the design aspects were taken carefully into consideration when it comes to proportions, materials, decor detail, and more -- this is all done to ensure that it is seamlessly blended from indoor to outdoor spaces.

Additionally, there are floral accents that nod to the Marylebone area. This can be seen throughout the public and private areas of the hotel including the headboards in the guest room, the mesh facade by the hotel's entrance, and more. A similar wooden fin installation also decorates the lobby while functioning as a different peripheral seating section.
Trend Themes
1. Village-inspired Hotel Designs - Hotels with village-inspired designs offer guests a unique and immersive experience that seamlessly blends indoor and outdoor spaces.
2. Floral Accents in Hospitality - Integrating floral accents into hotel decor accentuates local aesthetics and enhances the charm of the surroundings.
3. Multi-functional Decorative Elements - Decorative elements that serve multiple functions, such as wooden fins in the lobby, create versatile and aesthetically pleasing spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry benefits from innovative design strategies that enhance guest experience and reflect local culture.
2. Interior Design - Interior design firms have the opportunity to create spaces that blend tradition with modern functionality, particularly in the hotel sector.
3. Architecture - Architectural practices focusing on seamless integration of indoor and outdoor spaces can revolutionize how urban hotels are experienced.

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