Zero-Energy Tablets

The Boogie Board Tablet is an Eco-Friendly Sketchpad

I could easily fill a truck every year with all of the doodles and sketches done by the kids at home. Getting a zero energy Boogie Board LCD tablet may be an eco-friendly solution, and a worthwhile tablet to look into.

The Boogie Board is an LCD-based tablet with a reflective layer which essentially eliminates the need for a power-using backlight. No more paper doodles could mean a few more saved trees per year.

Implications - The Boogie Board isn't something that will take a lot of power, either. The creators say only a "small amount of power" is necessary to completely clean the slate when you're finished with it. It also comes equipped with a watch battery good for 50,000 uses. Now that's a commitment to environmental quality.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Tablets - The rise of tablets that require zero energy consumption and are environmentally friendly opens up opportunities for sustainable businesses to cater to the eco-conscious consumer.
2. LCD Sketchpads - The popularity of Boogie Board LCD tablets and other similar environmentally friendly sketchpads creates a need for advancements in the technology behind LCD displays and reflective layers.
3. Digital Art for Kids - The rise of eco-friendly sketchpads like Boogie Board tablets spark an increase in digital art created by children, creating new opportunities in children's art education and software development.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Advancements in the technology behind LCD displays and reflective layers will play a key role in the development of eco-friendly products.
2. Education - The rise of digital art for kids on eco-friendly tablets, such as Boogie Board, creates a need for developing accessible and fun educational software.
3. Retail - The increase in demand for eco-friendly tablets presents an opportunity for sustainable and environmentally friendly businesses to cater to the conscious consumer.

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