Luxurious Pool Clubs

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Alberta Ferretti and Gran Meliá Open the Bombon Pool Club

The Bombon Pool Club at Hotel De Mar in Mallorca is the result of a collaboration between fashion designer Alberta Ferretti and Gran Meliá Hotels & Resorts. This partnership has created a sophisticated and playful luxury destination for summer enthusiasts.

Marking the 60th anniversary of the Gran Meliá Hotel de Mar, this initiative introduces Mallorca's first fashion-driven pool club. The area features Alberta Ferretti's iconic tie-dye prints, with blue shades around the pool and beige tones at the beach and pool bar. The Bombon Pool Club's design seamlessly integrates Italian craftsmanship with the hotel's aesthetic. It offers an exclusive outdoor dining experience and meticulously curated poolside furnishings.

The club embodies the art of slow living, providing a tranquil and refined environment. The collaboration celebrates both the heritage of Gran Meliá and the timeless elegance of Alberta Ferretti's designs.
Trend Themes
1. Fashion-driven Hospitality Spaces - The launch of the Bombon Pool Club illustrates the blending of high fashion with luxury hospitality to create exclusive and visually captivating leisure experiences.
2. Designer-branded Environments - Creating spaces that feature fashion designer themes can enhance brand prestige and elevate guest experiences in the hospitality sector.
3. Integration of Slow Living Concepts - By promoting tranquility and refined design, luxury destinations can adopt slow living principles to attract a discerning clientele seeking relaxation and sophistication.
Industry Implications
1. Luxury Hospitality - Integrating fashion influences into hotel design offers unique and appealing experiences that differentiate brands in the premium hospitality market.
2. Fashion and Design - Cross-industry collaborations like those between fashion designers and hotels present opportunities to showcase distinctive aesthetic and functional design elements.
3. Outdoor Dining and Leisure - Curating exclusive outdoor dining experiences with high-end design can tap into the demand for luxurious and relaxing environments.

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