Levitating Blanket Stills

Bomber Bomber Searches for Art Through Strategically-Placed People

Bomber Bomber is an artist who has a knack for capturing the odd in a graceful way. The gallery featured here is simply titled ‘Photo’ and features a wide range of eye-catching photos which hold to a theme of calming strangeness.

The gallery features a levitating man wearing a wet blanket and an extremely flexible woman in a pink dress. Sounds strange, yet it all visually works together nicely. Check out more work from Bomber Bomber by clicking by clicking on the link below.
Trend Themes
1. Calming Strangeness - Opportunities in creating surreal yet peaceful experiences through art
2. Capturing the Odd - Opportunities in showcasing unconventional art with graceful execution
3. Flexible Photography - Opportunities in using unconventional subject matter and creative techniques to produce captivating photography
Industry Implications
1. Art Industry - Opportunities for galleries and artists to create unconventional and captivating art experiences
2. Photography Industry - Opportunities for photographers to explore new subject matter and techniques to create captivating, surreal images
3. Entertainment Industry - Opportunities for utilizing unconventional art to create unique and captivating entertainment experiences

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