Car-Monitoring Key Fobs

The BMW i8 Key Displays Vital Engine and Battery Information

No matter how awesome you think your car key is, it is nowhere near as dope as the BMW i8 key. The BMW i8 is dead set on changing the way we think about plug-in hybrids, and it's apparently also dead set on changing what exactly our car keys can do. The i8's key not only unlocks/locks the car and starts it, but it also displays information such as the car's power level, how much time is left on its battery and how far it can go before needing to be refueled or plugged in.

In addition to showing car-specific information on its LED screen, the BMW i8 key also has buttons that can be programmed by the driver. Now turning on the radio or the air conditioner can be done from the comfort of outside the car!
Trend Themes
1. Smart-key Technology - Developing car keys with integrated screens and programmable buttons presents an opportunity for innovation in car key design.
2. Connected Car Accessories - The addition of information-displaying features to car keys opens up possibilities for the development of connected car accessories.
3. Enhanced User Experience - By providing real-time car information on a key fob, car manufacturers can offer an enhanced and convenient user experience.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry can explore the integration of smart-key technology to enhance vehicle features and user interaction.
2. Consumer Electronics - Consumer electronics manufacturers can capitalize on connected car accessories by developing complementary products for smart-key-enabled vehicles.
3. Internet of Things (iot) - The IoT industry can leverage the connectivity and data capabilities of smart-key technology to build innovative solutions for smart vehicles and car owners.

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