Practical Velvet-Clad Jackets

The North Face Added Velvet to Its Black Series Line

Velvet is a winter fashion staple, but velvet-clad outerwear that's also tactical is a little less common, which is why The North Face's newest addition to its Black Series line is offering something so unique.

Equal parts practical and stylish, these gorgeous jackets ensure one never has to choose between fashion and warmth again. The jackets drew a clear inspiration from the 90s and feature the same crushed velvet style that was popularized during that decade. Arriving in multiple colorways, these coats are sure to help one seamlessly transition into the colder season.

The velvet-clad coats range from puffer jackets to longer, more practical pieces ensuring there's a style to fit anyone's aesthetic. The jackets are available in both red, gray, blue, coral and black.
Trend Themes
1. Winter Velvet Outerwear - The trend of incorporating velvet into outerwear offers an opportunity for fashion brands to create unique and stylish winter jackets.
2. 90s Crushed Velvet Style - The resurgence of crushed velvet from the 90s provides an opportunity for fashion designers to incorporate this nostalgic trend into their collections.
3. Multi-functional Winter Jackets - The demand for practical, multi-functional winter coats opens up opportunities for brands to create velvet-clad jackets that offer both fashion and warmth.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can capitalize on the trend of velvet outerwear by designing innovative winter jackets with a touch of luxury and style.
2. Apparel Retail - Apparel retail companies can benefit from the demand for velvet-clad jackets by offering a variety of styles and colorways to cater to different consumer preferences.
3. Winter Outerwear Manufacturing - Manufacturers of winter outerwear can explore the addition of velvet fabric to their products to meet the growing demand for fashionable and functional winter jackets.

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