Too many times has one kept a group of pins together in a pocket or package and been pricked when trying to pick one out; the 'Biomimicry Pin' by designer Toshi Fukaya presents a pin that is safely secured until the moment it is being pressed against a surface.
The design was inspired when Fukaya realized that a cat's paw extended its claws when need be and would retract them into the cat's padded paws once more when finished. The Biomimicry Pin works the same way in that the pin is covered by malleable silicon in a pill-like shape and its sharp point will only show when being used. When the pin is being removed, the silicone sheathe will cover it once more. This is an extremely intellectual design that really shows Toshi Fukaya's attention to detail and makes the use of pins a much safer ordeal.
Capsuled Cat-Like Fasteners
The 'Biomimicry Pin' Makes It Easier to Carry Them in Your Pocket
Trend Themes
1. Safe Pins - Biomimicry Pin inspired by cat's paw ensures safer use of pins.
2. Biomimicry Design - More products inspired by nature for better functionality and safety.
3. Smart Packaging - Innovative packaging solutions for everyday products to improve their usability and safety.
Industry Implications
1. Office Supplies - Biomimicry Pin sets a new safety standard for pointy office supplies.
2. Design - More designers using biomimicry to create safer and smarter products.
3. Consumer Goods - Smart packaging innovation continues to increase demand for consumer goods.