Biometric Hotel Check-ins

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This New App Allows Travellers to Check-in with their Fingerprints

Singapore-based start-up GTRIIP is now using the science of biometrics to streamline and simplify hotel check-ins. The company has developed a smartphone app that ties specific biometric data to a travelers’ unique fingerprint, allowing the guest to use this information as a form of ID verification and proof of booking.

By eliminating the need to present passports and other forms of physical ID upon check-in, GTRIIP’s biometric-based app allows for both domestic and international travelers alike to streamline the process of hotel check-ins. Beyond convenience, GTRIIP suggests that having a traveller’s biometric information also helps to increase hotel security and compliance.

This kind of technology is particularly appealing to hotel chains, which have increasingly sought to reduce lengthy check-in times by giving guests the option of bypassing the front desk altogether. It also mirrors a similar trend among many airlines, which have begun to offer electronic bordering passes, and do away with checking physical tickets. Thus far, 250 hotels worldwide are now equipped with GTRIIP stations.
Trend Themes
1. Biometric-based ID Verification - The use of biometrics for ID verification and proof of booking simplifies and streamlines check-in processes.
2. Eliminating Physical ID Requirements - Removing the need for physical passports and other forms of ID reduces check-in time and increases convenience for travelers.
3. Increased Hotel Security and Compliance - Utilizing travelers' biometric data enhances hotel security measures and ensures compliance with regulations.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Implementing biometric-based check-ins can revolutionize the hotel industry and enhance guest experiences.
2. Travel - Integrating biometric technology into the travel industry can streamline processes and improve security for travelers.
3. Technology - Developing biometric-based apps and systems presents opportunities for innovation and growth in the technology sector.

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