Earth Brick Arts Center

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Hassell and Localworks Design the Bidi Bidi Performing Arts Center

Creative platform,, has led the Bidi Bidi Performing Arts Centre project, recruiting architecture studios Hassell, Localworks, and other organisations to collaborate with them. The space is. meant to be a refugee settlement in Uganda and it is made from earth bricks. The center is designed as a creative outlet for the community, which is home to over 250,000 displaced people.

CEO Nachson Mimran speaks about the design project, noting "At, we have been planning this performing arts centre since the team visited Bidi Bidi in 2018. ack then Bidi Bidi was the youngest and most rapidly growing refugee settlement in the world, and from the people we hung out with there, we learned that there was a deeply felt need for creative outlets across the settlement

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