Be Santa on Facebook This Christmas

Be Santa On Facebook This Christmas

Be Santa is a new facebook app that was just launched on facebook. This fun application allows you to send virtual gifts to your friends, write a letter to Santa, or actually send real gifts. This facebook app is from the Guys over at Dank Apps (they recently received funding From Bay Partners under the FB App program), who also recently launched The Lotto. I was speaking with their CEO Jason Beckerman on Thanksgiving day as he gave me a peek at the Be Santa Facebook application before it was public.

This facebook application lets you be Santa and fulfill your friends wish list to Santa. I really like this application. It melds the “free virtual gift” mentality of facebook users with the practical real world application of letting people know what real world gifts that you want with an easy way to purchase the item on Amazon.

This is a great way for you to let your friends and family know what gifts that you want for Christmas. It is integrated with Amazon and you can easily search for anything that you might want to ask Santa to give you for Christmas. Your friends can quickly click on the link and easily purchase right from amazon the gift that you want. I like it as an cool way to give people a heads up for gift ideas. I was just discussing with my wife a month ago that there should be an application like this so that i could know what to buy my nieces and nephews for Christmas.

You can easily see what gifts your friends are asking Santa for Christmas. Here is the best part: They are actually going to be giving away $2500.00 worth of real world gifts to people on Christmas day. Just check into the Be Santa app on Christmas day and see if you got a real gift from the Be Santa Application on facebook.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Gifting - The Be Santa app on Facebook allows users to send virtual gifts to friends, creating opportunities for businesses to innovate in the virtual gifting space.
2. Wish List Integration - The integration of Amazon's search feature in the Be Santa app enables users to easily create and share their wish lists, presenting an opportunity for businesses to develop similar wish list integration solutions.
3. Real World Gifts Giveaway - The Be Santa app's giveaway of $2500 worth of real world gifts on Christmas day highlights the potential for businesses to engage customers through promotional giveaways and increase brand loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - The Be Santa app's virtual gifting feature on Facebook demonstrates the potential for disruptive innovation in the social media industry through the development of innovative virtual gifting platforms.
2. E-commerce - The integration of Amazon's search feature in the Be Santa app opens up opportunities for disruptive innovation in the e-commerce industry by exploring ways to enhance wish list integration and seamless purchasing experiences.
3. Marketing and Advertising - The Be Santa app's real world gifts giveaway presents an opportunity for marketers and advertisers to leverage similar promotional strategies to engage customers and drive brand awareness.

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