The BBDO Toronto Smart campaign not only shows off the brand's tiny cars, but also uses the same mentality for advertising. The Smart car is a low-impact, eco-friendly design, and the billboards are made with these thoughts in mind.
These tiny billboards are placed strategically throughout the city to surprise viewers at every turn. From parks to motorways, onlookers will be happy to see these tiny advertisements. Instead of wasting space with large, environmentally harmful signs, the BBDO Toronto Smart campaign keeps the health of the earth in mind.
Implications - With the green revolution well underway, many consumers are looking for more eco-friendly options when making their purchases. Businesses that offer "green" products (such as ones made from recyclable materials) will appeal to these consumers.
Itty-Bitty Billboards
The BBDO Toronto Smart Campaign Embodies its Pint-Sized Product
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Advertising - The implementation of environmentally conscious marketing strategies through small and low-impact billboards.
2. Miniature Billboards - The use and placement of itty-bitty billboards as a unique advertising method.
3. Sustainable Branding - Incorporating sustainability into brand identity and advertising techniques with creative and effective methods, such as tiny billboards.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Advertising companies can implement eco-friendly and unique marketing strategies, such as tiny billboards.
2. Automotive - The use of tiny billboards can be applied to various sectors, including the promotion of small and eco-friendly vehicles.
3. Sustainability - Businesses can prioritize environmental sustainability by making use of miniature billboards for low-impact advertising.