Floral Fantasy Packaging

The Bath and Body Works Signature Line is Flowertastic & Tropical

The new Bath and Body Works Signature Collection has been packaged in seasonally appropriate designs boasting fun, floral prints and tropical designs. The packaging was designed by Established and is extremely eye-catching and enticing.

The Bath and Body Works Signature Collection contains five different packaging designs, all of which are plastered in vibrant summertime colors. While one of the designs exudes tropical qualities complete with palm trees and neon sunsets, others exhibit romantic roses and flirty flowers. The collection is made up of five different series of lotions, creams, powders and perfumes including Cherry Blossom, Into the Wild, Country Chic, Carried Away and Dark Lilac. While the names of each line are alluring, the packaging alone is enough to make anyone drawn to the Bath and Body Works Signature Collection.
Trend Themes
1. Floral Packaging - Opportunity for brands to incorporate vibrant floral prints and tropical designs in packaging to attract customers.
2. Seasonal Designs - Opportunity for brands to create packaging designs that change with the seasons to create excitement and enticement.
3. Eye-catching Packaging - Opportunity for brands to focus on visually appealing packaging designs to draw customers' attention.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Personal Care - Opportunity for beauty and personal care brands to refresh their packaging designs with floral and tropical themes to attract customers.
2. Fashion - Opportunity for fashion brands to incorporate floral and tropical prints in product packaging to add a touch of vibrancy and excitement.
3. Home Decor - Opportunity for home decor brands to create seasonal packaging designs with floral and tropical patterns to enhance the overall product experience.

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