Folding Generational Scooters

The Conceptual 'Banana 88' Bicycles are for a Parent and Child

The conceptual 'Banana 88' bicycles have been created by Rice Mak as a series of solutions for parents who are looking for a way to ride around town on their own terms, while also offering their child to do the same. The smaller of the two is a balance bike for children aged three to six to help them get comfortable with riding, which could eliminate the need for training wheels. The larger version has an electric design for parents to use to zip around town on the last mile of their commute or to be stored in a vehicle trunk for use at anytime.

The conceptual 'Banana 88' bicycles both have a similar design language to connect riders young and old to one another through transportation aesthetics.
Trend Themes
1. Intergenerational Mobility - Developing transportation solutions that cater to both parents and children, creating a seamless experience for families on the move.
2. Multi-functional Bicycles - Designing bicycles with multiple functionalities that can be used by different age groups and serve different purposes.
3. Electric Last-mile Commuting - Creating electric bicycles specifically designed for short distance commuting, offering a convenient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional transportation methods.
Industry Implications
1. Bicycle Industry - The bicycle industry can explore new designs and features for bicycles that cater to both parents and children.
2. Micro-mobility Industry - Micro-mobility companies can develop innovative last-mile commuting solutions, taking into consideration the needs of parents and children.
3. Transportation Industry - The transportation industry can adopt the concept of intergenerational mobility by offering services that facilitate easy travel for families, especially in urban areas.

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