Updated Bank Audio Systems

Axis Network Audio System Makes In-Branch Banking More Inviting

Stephen Joseph, Segment Development Manager, Banking and Financial Sector, Axis Communications, Inc., is positive that Axis Network Audio System will make the in-person banking experience more inviting.

Many retail banks are turning towards innovative technological approaches to encourage face-to-face banking. The Axis Audio System is an all-in-one unit. It is easily integrated into the bank's VoIP telephone system for live announcements and alerts and can even be preprogrammed for scheduled broadcasts.

The innovative system can be linked to pre-existing security systems, like cameras and audio analytics, to trigger targetted audio alerts. Health reminders can also be programmed to ensure a COVID-safe environment. The system can even play music for ambiance and chime marketing messages through its high-quality speakers. By integrating Axis into brick-and-mortar banks, clients can feel welcomed, safe and secure.
Trend Themes
1. In-person Banking - The integration of Axis Network Audio System in brick-and-mortar banks provides an innovative approach for enhancing the in-person banking experience.
2. Audio Analytics - Linking the Axis Network Audio System to pre-existing security systems and analytics presents a significant opportunity for innovative customized audio alerts.
3. Covid-safe Environment - The use of Axis to program health reminders ensures a COVID-safe environment and presents an opportunity for bank's to provide an innovative solution for their customers' safety.
Industry Implications
1. Banking - The Axis Network Audio System presents an opportunity for innovative in-person banking solutions.
2. Security - Integrating the Axis Network Audio System with pre-existing security systems presents an opportunity for innovative approaches to audio security solutions.
3. Retail - By integrating the Axis Network Audio System into brick-and-mortar banks, retail banks present an opportunity for clients to feel welcomed, safe and secure.

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