Accesible Autonomous Transportation Services

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The 'Nubit' Autonomous Mobility Service is Modular

The conceptual 'Nubit' autonomous mobility service has been designed as a solution for urbanites to help them get around town in a decidedly accessible manner. The service comes in the form of a modular vehicle that can be summoned by the rider when they need to get around town and boasts seating alongside ample area for passengers with mobility aids like wheelchairs. The vehicle will offer access to immersive entertainment and more via personal displays, while the all-glass walls will maximize views to the exterior landscape.

The conceptual 'Nubit' autonomous mobility service is the design work of Sooyeon Kim, Jiyoon Kim, Jieun Kim, and Seunghun Yoo, and identifies how accessible transportation could evolve into the near-future. The service would also accommodate riders of all ages to help prioritize equal access for seniors.
Trend Themes
1. Modular Autonomous Vehicles - Modular autonomous vehicles like 'Nubit' present opportunities to customize transport services to diverse urban needs.
2. Inclusive Mobility Solutions - Inclusive mobility solutions focus on providing accessible transportation options for passengers with mobility aids, enhancing urban accessibility.
3. Immersive In-vehicle Entertainment - Immersive in-vehicle entertainment systems can transform the travel experience by providing engaging content through personal displays.
Industry Implications
1. Urban Transportation - Urban transportation services can integrate autonomous and modular technologies to meet the dynamic needs of city dwellers.
2. Assistive Technology - Assistive technology industries can collaborate with transportation services to ensure accessibility for individuals using mobility aids.
3. Entertainment Technology - Entertainment technology companies can develop content and systems tailored for immersive experiences in autonomous vehicles.

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