AR Home Shopping Apps

Triple Develops Augmented Reality Home Shopping Apps for Furniture Retailers

Triple is an augmented reality home shopping platform that helps retailers develop apps for a more immersive and useful way to shop for furniture.

Consumers are able to scroll through a catalog of pieces and use augmented reality to visualize how the piece would look in their home. Retailers like 'West Elm,' 'Create & Barrel,' 'Joybird' and 'CB2' use the app to help consumers shop for furniture at home. Users are able to see if a piece will fit in the space as their smartphone or tablet displays the item in the space. They are able to change the color of the piece and even purchase the item directly on the app.

Visualizing how a piece would look in a space is one of the hardest aspects of furniture shopping. This augmented reality home shopping app is a great way to boost sales and reduce the number of returns customers make by letting them view the actual piece in their home before purchasing.
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality Home Shopping - The development of more comprehensive augmented reality home shopping apps for retailers to increase customer engagement and sales.
2. Virtual Product Visualization - The increase in virtual product visualization tools for customers to see how products will look in their home before purchasing, reducing the number of returns.
3. Mobile Commerce Integration - The integration of mobile commerce capabilities in augmented reality home shopping apps to allow customers to make purchases directly from the app.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Retail - Furniture retailers are creating their own augmented reality home shopping apps to increase sales and reduce returns.
2. Retail Technology - Retail technology companies are developing augmented reality home shopping platforms for retailers to better engage with their customers and drive sales.
3. Mobile Payment - Mobile payment companies have the opportunity to integrate their services into augmented reality home shopping apps for customers to make purchases with ease.

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