Stink-Eye Photo Shoots

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'Attitude' by Brice Hardelin Throws Some Serious Shade

'Attitude' by Brice Hardelin is a photo shoot that features a model throwing some serious shade. There's nothing like a male model with a sour look on his face to grab my attention. The shoot takes place in a variety of urban settings, and the final images depict the model behind a jail cell. It just goes to show that giving someone attitude never pays off.

See more shots of 'Attitude' by Brice Hardelin above.
Trend Themes
1. Attitude Photography - This trend highlights the use of models portraying attitude and expressing strong emotions in photography.
2. Urban Setting Photography - This trend showcases the use of urban landscapes as backdrops in photography shoots, adding an edgy and gritty aesthetic.
3. Conceptual Photo Shoots - This trend focuses on creating visually striking and thought-provoking images that convey a narrative or message.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion and Apparel - Disruptive innovation opportunities lie in incorporating attitude-driven photography to create edgy advertising campaigns and fashion editorials.
2. Street Art and Graffiti - This trend can inspire street artists and graffiti designers to experiment with incorporating attitude and emotions into their artwork.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Opportunities for disruptive innovation arise in using attitude-oriented photography to create impactful and attention-grabbing advertising campaigns for brands.

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