'Jacob & Co,' the luxury jewelry and timepiece retailer, has announced the 'Astronomia Metaverso' collection of eight luxury timepiece NFTs. Each NFT depicts one timepiece inspired by one of the eight planets in the solar system. Five of these NFTs, the Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter collectibles, will be tied to a physical timepiece that will be given to the NFT owner. The other three NFTs will come with a variety of exclusive digital assets.
To celebrate this luxury timepiece NFT collection, Jacob & Co debuted a detailed comic strip on 'UNXD,' the curated NFT marketplace that is also home to the Astronomia Metaverso collection. This comic details both the inspiration and creation process for the solar timepieces. The NFTs will be auctioned on UNXD, and each NFT will function as an "exclusive membership pass" for future experiences.
Luxury Timepiece NFTs
Jacob & Co Announced the 'Astronomia Metaverso' Eight-Piece NFT Collection
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Timepiece Nfts - Luxury brands can explore the use of NFTs to enhance the value of their products by offering exclusive digital and physical assets.
2. Converging Luxury and Digital Art - There is an opportunity for the convergence of luxury and digital art and NFTs can create a new market crossover between these two fields.
3. Curated NFT Marketplace - A curated NFT marketplace can give exclusive access to luxury brands for auctions and sales of their NFT products.
Industry Implications
1. Luxury Goods - Luxury goods manufacturers can explore the use of NFTs as a means to offer value-adds to their products by tying them to digital assets.
2. Digital Art - Digital art industries can leverage NFTs to create a new market for their art pieces by providing unique ownership to collectors.
3. NFT Marketplaces - Curated NFT marketplaces have the potential to become premium venues for luxury brands willing to sell their products through NFTs.