"Acid in the Ice Cream" is a series of brilliant drawings from American artist Zach Johnsen. Frankly, they rock my world--great name, great art.
For me, the use of color for the 'exploding heads' makes them lose any gore you might expect to see in this kind of imagery. The installation pieces also work brilliantly. In particular, I like the composite piece entitled corporate picnic (look for the cigarette butt).
Implications - Another reason why I love this art is because of its unusual title. While the title "Acid in the Ice Cream" may have you thinking of dairy treats or acid rain, this illustration series is neither of those two things. Zach Johnsen has once again managed to impress the art world with his kooky titles and smashing art.
Bright Exploding Heads
"Acid in the Ice Cream" Illustration Series by Zach Johnsen
Trend Themes
1. Colorful Illustration - There is an opportunity to explore the use of bright colors in artworks and illustrations to make gory or intense imagery more palatable to viewers.
2. Unconventional Titles - Artists and creatives can benefit from creating unconventional or quirky titles for their works as a way of generating attention and buzz around their creations.
3. Installation Art - Installation art continues to be an area for creatives to explore ways of engaging and provoking audiences in immersive experiences centered around their works.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Artists can leverage these trends in their works to create more engaging pieces, generate buzz around their creations, and appeal to wider audiences beyond traditional art circles.
2. Advertising - Ad agencies and marketers can incorporate the use of unconventional titles and bright colors to grab attention and make their campaigns more memorable and effective.
3. Experience Design - Creators of immersive experiences, such as museum exhibits and installations, can utilize these trends to make their exhibits more engaging and memorable for visitors.