Humans As Automobiles

Artist Emma Hack Creates a Car Out of 17 Men and Women

In a recent campaign for MAC (Motor Accident Commission), body painting artist Emma Hack had the unique opportunity to paint several bodies into the shape of a crashed automobile.

The campaign was meant to bring attention to the many low-level speeding accidents that happen and how we all play a part in road safety. Emma chose to recreate a crashed car using the bodies of 17 men and women covered in five layers of intricate body paint. The shoot took just over 18 hours to complete and the end result is stupendous.

Models conformed and balanced on each other to create the shape of the car and, in this behind-the-scenes video, you get a glimpse of just how much work went into bringing more awareness to this cause.
Trend Themes
1. Body Painting Campaigns - The use of body painting in advertising campaigns presents an opportunity for companies to create visually stunning and attention-grabbing content.
2. Creative Advocacy - Incorporating creative elements into advocacy efforts, such as using art to highlight road safety, can bring new perspectives and engage audiences in a meaningful way.
3. Collaborative Artistry - Collaborative art projects that involve multiple artists and models can result in unique and captivating creations, offering innovative opportunities for artistic expression and collaboration.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry can explore the use of body painting techniques in campaigns to generate attention and create visual impact for their clients.
2. Advocacy and Awareness - Organizations focused on advocacy and raising awareness for various causes can consider incorporating creative elements, like body painting, to amplify their messages and engage audiences.
3. Art and Photography - The art and photography industries can embrace collaborative projects involving body painting to showcase unique artistic expressions and push the boundaries of traditional mediums.

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