Art Vending Machines

The Art-O-Mat

Art-O-Mat is a company that has been “vending art and culture since 1997.” The company converts vintage cigarette machines into vending machines that sell small pieces of art for around $5.

The vintage style of the machines would be enough to make any space more hip, and the fact that these Art-o-mat's deal art, is even cooler.

Implications - Art is increasingly being commodified and made available to not only the upper classes. Art is being sold in small, on-the-go formats that appeal to the busy, but culturally-inclined, consumer. This trend also shows the continued popularity of vintage and retro designs, especially in now-simple technologies like vending machines or juke boxes.
Trend Themes
1. Commodified Art - The trend of making art more accessible to a wider consumer base by selling small, affordable pieces via vending machines is disrupting traditional art purchasing methods.
2. On-the-go Art Consumption - The trend of selling small, portable art pieces through vending machines is disrupting the conventional idea of art galleries and museums as the only places to experience and purchase art.
3. Vintage and Retro Design - The popularity of turning vintage cigarette machines into vending machines for selling art indicates a disruptive opportunity for businesses to combine retro and modern technology in unique ways.
Industry Implications
1. Art Retail - The vending machine art industry is disrupting traditional art retail models by making art more accessible and affordable to a wider consumer base.
2. Vending Machines - The trend of repurposing vintage vending machines for selling art is disrupting the traditional use of vending machines for selling snacks and drinks.
3. Pop-up Shops - The trend of placing vending machines in unconventional spaces such as cafes, bars, and hotels presents a disruptive opportunity for businesses to create unique art pop-up shops.

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