Carved Cleat Benches

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Arrival and Departure is a Symbolic Sculptural Installation for Sitting

You would be correct to aesthetically associate the Arrival and Departure installation with a pair of magnified ship bollards. The impressive duo of gorgeous granite sculptures is located on campus of the University of Plymouth to commemorate the institution's 150th year.

There is great symbolism tied up within the monumental artwork by Ian McChesney that alludes to the American city's rich maritime history. References to the epic oceanic voyages of the original pilgrims, of Sir Francis Drake and of Darwin are bound within the beautiful installation, but the meaning has been further drawn into the present context. Arrival and Departure signifies the journeys of students on their quests for education -- and conveniently provides them with a place to congregate and repose.
Trend Themes
1. Symbolic Sculptural Installations - Art installations that carry deep meanings and symbolisms to different time periods.
2. Campus Commemorations - Monumental artworks to commemorate an institution's significant milestones and history.
3. Functional Art Pieces - Art pieces that also serve practical purposes such as providing a place for individuals to rest and congregate.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Opportunities for artists and designers to create meaningful installations and functional art pieces for public spaces.
2. Education - Institutions can commission artists to create commemorative installations and art pieces that also serve their functional needs.
3. Tourism - Art installations and sculptures can attract tourists, especially those with historical and cultural significance.

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