Battle-Ready Celtic Corsets

Andrew Kanounov's Armor Corsets Look Like Real Pieces of Armor

If you're someone who can stomach a bit of pain in the hopes wearing something beautiful, then these armor corsets offer exactly that.

Made by Andrew Kanounov, these corsets look like they're made out of metal, almost like they're piece of a woman's medieval suit of armor. I was surprised when I discovered that these armor-like corsets are in fact made out of leather. Granted, being made of leather with a metallic finish helps to make these armor corsets a lot more comfortable than if they were made of actual metal. The pattern work on the armor corsets give off a very strong Celtic feel that complements the metallic look very well.

Though it won't stop a sword, Andrew Kanounov's armor corset is certain to stop people in their tracks.
Trend Themes
1. Leather Armor Fashion - Opportunity to create innovative leather armor fashion items that provide comfort and aesthetics.
2. Celtic-inspired Clothing - A chance to produce unique clothing pieces inspired by Celtic patterns and designs, akin to Andrew Kanounov's armor corsets.
3. Comfortable Armor-like Clothing - An opportunity to manufacture armor-like clothing items that are much more comfortable to wear than actual armor, while also providing the same visual appeal.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - Fashion designers can explore the incorporation of armor-inspired looks into their collection, or create pieces of clothing that adapt the unique patterns and designs of Celtic armor corsets.
2. Costume Industry - Costume makers can leverage the leather armor aesthetic to create unique costumes with a modern twist, providing customers with an alternative to traditional metal armor costumes.
3. Theater and Film Industry - Production teams can utilize the idea of leather armor and create realistic armor-like costumes for characters in film or theater productions that are easy and comfortable to wear for long periods.

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