Corporate Giant Charts

The 'Just How Big Is Apple?' Infographic Shows the Extent of Influence

Apple has penetrated virtually all forms of major communications used in everyday life -- it seems that its products are everywhere, so to gauge the sheer magnitude of their influence, use this 'Just How Big Is Apple?' infographic.

As of late, big things have been dropping for Apple: Steve Jobs passed; they became the largest company by market capital (overtaking Enron) and they are set to distribute their first dividend in over a decade. On a more creative note, this infographic avoids using dry statistics, like showcasing their quarterly earnings or prospects. Conversely, these statistics delve past the glossy exterior to reveal the selling power of big products such as the iPhone, iPad and IOS operating system in relation to babies born, cars sold and even the weight of the Eiffel Tower.
Trend Themes
1. Penetration of Apple Products - There is a trend of Apple products penetrating various forms of major communications and everyday life, creating opportunities for innovative integration and partnerships.
2. Magnitude of Apple's Influence - The sheer magnitude of Apple's influence is highlighted in this infographic, presenting disruptive innovation opportunities for businesses to align with a powerful brand.
3. Creative Infographic Usage - The creative usage of infographics, like this 'Just How Big Is Apple?' infographic, showcases the selling power of big products and inspires innovative ways to present data.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - The technology industry has the opportunity to collaborate with Apple to create innovative integration and develop new products.
2. Media and Communications - The media and communications industry can benefit from aligning with Apple's influential brand and creating content that resonates with Apple product users.
3. Marketing and Advertising - The marketing and advertising industry can gain insights from the creative usage of infographics to present data and engage with consumers in unique and visually appealing ways.

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