Vibrantly Fluorescent Animal Illustrations

Louise McNaught Sketches Wildlife Using Mixed Media

The majority of animal illustrations feature realistically colored wildlife, but this collection of sketches by Louise McNaught uses a variety of different media to create an ethereal set that will shock and awe the onlooker.

The collection of animal illustrations use paint, pencil and fluorescent coloring to create selections that are beautiful to look at despite not actually existing in nature. The way in which McNaught has curated this set of striking sketches makes it look as though the world that these animals live in is actually black and white, and the fluorescent touches are actually touches of sun or life.

Other natural elements such as rain and trees are given a splash of color, which means that there is meant to be a distinct focus for reasons that are best left to the individual to interpret.
Trend Themes
1. Fluorescent Illustration Art - The trend for using fluorescent colors in traditionally colored art can lead to new techniques and mediums being developed.
2. Mixed Media Animal Art - The trend for combining different mediums and techniques to create unique animal art provides opportunities for artists to experiment and create something new.
3. Interpretive Wildlife Art - The trend for animal art that utilizes creative techniques offers room for interpretation and different perspectives on wildlife.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Artists can explore new techniques and mediums for animal art, making it more appealing to a wider audience.
2. Design - Designers can use the trend for fluorescent illustration in their products, creating a fresh and modern look for their designs.
3. Marketing - Marketers can use mixed media and interpretive wildlife art to create unique campaigns that stand out from competitors and engage their audience.

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