Wild Full-Body Suits

Angela Lindvall in 'Jungle Fever' Muse 22 Spread is Wild Head-to-Toe

This publication always churns out the craziest editorials, and the Angela Lindvall Muse 22 spread is a perfect example. Probably one of the raddest layouts ever, the Muse 22 is entitled 'Jungle Fever' and features the beautiful Angela Lindvall donned head-to-toe in animal prints.

With wild colors, animal prints, extremely tight bodysuits and one hell of a makeup job, be sure to check out the gallery for more shots from the Angela Lindvall Muse 22 spread.
Trend Themes
1. Animal Prints Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity lies in creating sustainable and environmentally friendly animal print textiles and accessories.
2. Body-positive Full-body Suits - Disruptive innovation opportunity lies in designing full-body suits for all shapes and sizes, promoting body positivity.
3. Bold and Colorful Makeup - Disruptive innovation opportunity lies in creating makeup products that express bold and colorful looks, empowering consumers to express their creativity through cosmetics.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion and Textile Industry - The fashion and textile industry can use this trend to create eco-friendly animal print textiles and apparel that caters to body diversity.
2. Cosmetics Industry - The cosmetics industry can develop bold and colorful makeup products that cater to a wide range of skin tones and empower consumers to experiment with different looks.
3. Photography and Media Industry - The photography and media industry can further promote body positivity and inclusivity by featuring diverse models wearing bold and unique outfits and makeup.

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