Robotic Shopping Dummies

Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro's Android Mannequin Interacts with Consumers

Shopping is slowly becoming a whole new experience as shown by the introduction of an android mannequin in the Tokyo department store Takashimiya. Part of a Valentine's Day promotion, the lifelike android mannequin doesn't just sit there looking pretty, it also interacts with shoppers. Until they approach her, however, she simply sits there quietly clutching a cellphone and purse.

Created by Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro, who is known for his Geminoid robots, the android mannequin is capable of 60 facial expressions and cycles through four main emotional states throughout the day. She is also equipped with a built-in facial recognition software. It is this software that enables her to interact with shop customers.

This android mannequin marks the eventual evolution of store displays. In the future, static mannequins could be swapped for androids.
Trend Themes
1. Robotic Mannequins - The rising trend of interactive and lifelike android mannequins in retail creates opportunities for businesses to improve customer experience through seamless interaction and personalization.
2. Facial Recognition Software - The use of facial recognition software in retail through android mannequins or other interfaces creates opportunities for businesses to personalize the shopping experience and better understand their customers.
3. Emotion Analytics - The implementation of emotion analytics in retail through android mannequins or other interfaces creates opportunities for businesses to better identify customer preferences and improve customer experience.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - The use of interactive android mannequins in retail creates an opportunity for retailers to create a personalized and immersive in-store experience for their customers.
2. Artificial Intelligence - The use of facial recognition software and emotion analytics in retail through android mannequins creates an opportunity for AI companies to provide innovative solutions that can help businesses understand their customers better.
3. Marketing - The use of interactive android mannequins in marketing campaigns creates an opportunity for marketers to implement innovative strategies that can engage customers and increase brand awareness.

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