Amphibious Taxi Service

Osaka Mizukaido 808

We've seen a number of amphibious vehicles in 2007 like the Humdinga and the sQuba. Up till now, price constraints have kept these water-loving autos in the garages of the wealthy. A taxi service, Osaka Mizukaido 808, has started to operate in the Japanese city of Osaka - taking passengers through the city's rivers and over the streets. Riders pay about $180USD for the first hour and $80 for each additional 30 minutes after that.
Trend Themes
1. Amphibious Taxi Services - A trend in which taxi services are expanding their offerings to include amphibious vehicles, allowing customers to travel through both waterways and streets.
2. Affordable Water Transportation - A trend in which the cost of utilizing water transportation services is becoming more accessible and affordable for a wider range of customers.
3. Urban Water Travel - A trend in which cities are exploring the use of waterways as an alternative mode of transportation within urban areas.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The transportation industry can take advantage of the opportunity to innovate by incorporating amphibious vehicles into their services, providing customers with more flexibility and convenience in their travels.
2. Tourism - Within the tourism industry, the emergence of amphibious taxi services presents an opportunity to offer unique sightseeing experiences that combine both land and water exploration for tourists.
3. Urban Planning - Urban planning professionals can consider integrating water transportation systems into their city plans, offering residents and visitors alternative methods of travel that can help alleviate traffic congestion on roads.

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