Sustainable Snack Packaging

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Amcor and Lorenz Snacks Partnered for Recycle-Ready Packaging

Amcor and Lorenz Snacks collaborated on new recycle-ready packaging as part of a commitment to sustainability that will also catch the attention of today's eco-friendly consumer. The new packaging, known as Amcor AmPrima, is observed for Lorenz Snacks' Lentil Coated Peanuts and is rated as having a 51% lower carbon footprint than alternatives, a 51% reduction in water use and a 41% reduction in energy use from non-renewable sources. The packaging is suited for performance to ensure it will work well with the brand's Lentil Coated Peanuts when it comes to product protection as well as shelf life.

Sales & Marketing Director for Snacks & Confectionery Piotr Nagalski spoke on the Amcor and Lorenz Snacks partnership saying, "The successful implementation of Amcor’s AmPrima packaging for Lorenz Lentil Coated Peanuts is a testament to the feasibility of more sustainable packaging in the snack industry. Amcor’s innovative expertise, coupled with Lorenz’s deep understanding of the snack market, has pushed the boundaries of what is possible."
Trend Themes
1. Recycle-ready Packaging - The shift towards recycle-ready packaging aligns with increasing consumer demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products.
2. Carbon Footprint Reduction - Packaging innovations that document significant reductions in carbon footprints resonate with environmentally-conscious consumers and stakeholders.
3. Energy-efficient Production - Developments in packaging that minimize the use of non-renewable energy sources reflect a broader industrial trend towards sustainability and resource efficiency.
Industry Implications
1. Snacks & Confectionery - The snacks and confectionery industry is integrating sustainable packaging to meet modern eco-friendly standards while maintaining product integrity.
2. Packaging - Innovations in the packaging industry are driven by the need to reduce environmental impact and cater to eco-conscious consumers.
3. Sustainable Materials - The sustainable materials industry is advancing rapidly, with new solutions providing significant reductions in carbon footprints and resource usage.

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