Aldi's Christmas 2020 ad brings back Kevin the Carrot for the fifth year in a row in an adorable holiday commercial. In this iteration of the ad, Kevin finds himself lost in the middle of a snow storm, struggling to make it back home in time to see his kids. Luckily, he quickly bumps into Harry the Hedgehog who gives him a ride through the snow, saving some time. Unexpectedly, Harry falls off a cliff with Kevin on his back, leaving the two stranded hundreds of feet below the surface.
Just when the two loose hope, they bump into Santa Claus, who promises to get Kevin back home. In a shot that parodies E.T, Santa rides his bike through the night skies with Kevin safely tucked in the bike's basket.
Animated Carrot Holiday Ads
Aldi's Christmas 2020 Ad Brings Back the Beloved Kevin the Carrot
Trend Themes
1. Adorable Animated Holiday Ads - The use of cute animated characters in holiday ads can create emotional connections with viewers, increasing brand engagement and sales.
2. Continuing Storylines in Advertisements - Brands can leverage the power of storytelling by creating ads with recurring characters, building a sense of familiarity and loyalty among consumers.
3. Parodying Popular Films in Commercials - Incorporating references to iconic movies in advertisements can help brands capture attention and create a memorable impact on audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Retailers can utilize animated holiday ads to attract customers during the festive season and differentiate themselves from competitors.
2. Advertising - Advertising agencies can capitalize on the trend of continuing storylines in ads by offering creative services that help brands develop compelling narratives for their campaigns.
3. Entertainment - Companies in the entertainment industry can explore partnerships with brands to create parodies of popular films in commercials, providing a unique and entertaining marketing approach.