Dramatic Doomsday Bunker Images

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Alastair Philip Wiper Documents a Subterranean Fallout Shelter

British photographer Alastair Philip Wiper captures a subterranean fallout shelter in all of its maximalist glory. It is located in Las Vegas, Nevada, and complete with a putting green that is nestled in a range of faux pine trees and a painted scenery. This was all built in 1978 by millionaire Jerry Henderson as a doomsday bunker. It stretches out to 1,400 square meters -- Henderson and his wife Mart lived in the underground home for five years up until his death in 1983.

Wiper explains, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But if you have a penchant for over-the-top kitsch, insane colour combinations and James Bond villain-lair aesthetics then you would be in heaven at this place. [...] I'm looking for all sorts of unusual locations that are associated with nuclear and when I came across the house, it fit perfectly. It's so eccentric and flamboyant."
Trend Themes
1. Maximalist Bunker Design - The trend towards creating increasingly elaborate and aesthetically bold bunkers reflects a growing interest in combining luxury living with emergency preparedness.
2. Eccentric Luxury Interiors - Interiors featuring extreme color combinations and kitsch elements are becoming popular, appealing to those who seek unique and standout home environments.
3. Residential Fallout Shelters - Building homes outfitted with advanced survival features is on the rise, as more people look for ways to ensure personal safety without compromising on comfort.
Industry Implications
1. Luxury Real Estate - High-end properties are incorporating unconventional designs and features to attract a niche market of affluent buyers interested in distinctive living spaces.
2. Home Decor and Interior Design - The demand for avant-garde and personalized interior settings is pushing designers to explore bold, creative aesthetics that defy traditional norms.
3. Survival Gear and Equipment - The growing market for residential fallout shelters is prompting innovations in survival technology, focusing on both functionality and comfort.

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