Contraband-Spotting Smoke Detectors

The AirGuard Rats On Cigarette and Marijuana Smokers.

AirGuard is a special smoke detector that can detect tobacco and marijuana smoke and send a WiFi alert to concerned authorities. The device is designed for use in workplaces, hotels, transit stations, public housing, dorms, prisons and anywhere else where people aren't supposed to smoke but often do so anyway.

The AirGuard comes in two versions. The first is a battery-powered unit that communicates with Android phones via Bluetooth. The second is a plug-in device. Both devices use polymer films to sense cigarette and marijuana smoke, before ratting them out by sending a WiFi alert to a central system, which can then send an email straight to an administrator.

All I can say is I'm glad this thing wasn't around when I lived in university dorms.
Trend Themes
1. Contraband-spotting Smoke Detectors - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the smoke detector industry with the development of detectors that can identify specific smoke types.
2. Wifi Alert Systems - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the connectivity industry with the advancement of smoke detectors that can send WiFi alerts.
3. Smart Technology for Monitoring Compliance - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the smart technology industry with the creation of devices that monitor and alert authorities on rule violations.
Industry Implications
1. Smoke Detectors - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the smoke detector industry by developing sensors that can differentiate between different types of smoke.
2. Connectivity - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the connectivity industry with the development of WiFi-enabled smoke detectors that can send alerts.
3. Smart Technology - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the smart technology industry by creating devices that monitor compliance and notify relevant authorities.

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