Casual Smartphone-Controlled Games

AirConsole Offers a True Social Gaming Experience

Built for gamers with a penchant for old-school gaming, the AirConsole is a browser-based games platform that uses smartphones as the controllers. Centered around the idea of "true social gaming," the AirConsole is restricted to local multiplayer and allows players to game together on a single screen. The server is currently available for free, but a premium version of the service is also available known as AirConsole Hero.

While browser-based games platforms do already exist, the true appeal of the AirConsole lies in its ability to use smartphones as controllers. This ensures that users don't have to dig around for compatible controllers and it allows the AirConsole to change controllers for certain titles. The service currently boasts a library of 100+ games that are both single and multiplayer experiences.
Trend Themes
1. Smartphone-controlled Gaming - Exploring the potential for smartphone-based controllers to revolutionize gaming experiences and increase accessibility.
2. True Social Gaming - Exploring the potential for games that promote social interaction and engagement to gain traction in the gaming industry.
3. Browser-based Gaming - Exploring the potential for browser-based gaming platforms to provide easily accessible, cost-effective gaming experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - Developing more accessible, socially-engaging games that can be played using smartphone-controlled interfaces.
2. Mobile Devices - Exploring how smartphone manufacturers and app developers can customize gaming experiences to leverage the device's built-in controls and enhance user experience.
3. Technology Services - Exploring how technology providers can support the development of new platforms and tools to facilitate more accessible and affordable gaming experiences.

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